Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So, still no computer. I am beginning to get annoyed by it. There's only so much productivity I can take. What's most annoying is not knowing when exactly it will be ready - and the store has proven to be really terrible about returning phone calls. Which leads me to believe my new computer is at the store and that they've just been too busy/distracted to call me. Or I'm just really impatient. (Probably the latter.)

This semester is passing by much quicker than last semester. It's distressing - knowing I'll have to eventually leave Amsterdam for good. And then once Amsterdam ends - this coming summer (which is still very much up in the air) and my last year of college will be looming. I never really imagined college going so quickly. (I also realized that never in my life have I been in one school for more than 3 years at a time - and that maybe switching and leaving schools all the time has generally made school seem to pass by quickly. I changed schools in 2nd grade, changed again in 6th, went to paris in 7th grade, returned in 8th, went to high school in 9th grade, graduated in 11th grade, went to sarah lawrence for two years, left for amsterdam and then I'll be going back to sarah lawrence again. Ah. Stressful.)

Anyway, in a week and a half I'll be going to Copenhagen. Which I am very, very excited for. We may also be taking a boat to the coast of Sweden. So again, that = excitement.

Hopefully my next post will be a lot more interesting. Meaning I'll post some pictures or something... just gotta wait on the computer. Ha.

Insightful quote of the day -
"The microprocesses of heterosexuality as an institution are so embedded in daily life that, while heterosexuality may be personally meaningful, it can simultaneously function as an oppressive social institution." - C.J. Pascoe, Dude You're A Fag

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