Sunday, July 12, 2009

A review of the past month

Holy crap.

I've been extraordinarily busy since returning from Amsterdam over a month ago.

I've sat down multiple times to write a blog entry over the past five weeks and each time been interrupted by something. Then, when I finally have time to return to the previously begun entries, they are all significantly outdated.

So, this is take three.

One of the reasons I've been so busy lately is because of my new job at Fire & Ice. Christian helped me get the job after I decided the last thing I wanted to do was return to the Cheesecake Factory and I'm happy to say, I definitely made the right decision. It's relaxed, I don't dread going to work, and I like about 93% of the people that work there. And, what's even better is that I get to work with Christian and now.... (drum roll) Dana! Basically, my only two close friends at home... and they work with me. Pretty legit.

Despite my recent business, I've been having a lot of fun. I've accomplished some summer goals thus far which include going to a Mets game, climbing a mountain and going to the Bronx zoo. The beach and other activities are still to come.

At the end of June I went to the Insub fest. I'm really, really happy that I went especially since I was considering not going at one point. It was great to see a bunch of people I really like that I never really get to see. Of course... it wasn't all perfect. Our first night arriving in Baltimore and... Michael Jackson died.

That, to me, and sure to the rest of the world... was shocking. And pretty much still is. I remember Micah and I got our first Sony Walkman when we were kids and Micah's first tape was Thriller. I have no idea what mine was, probably because it was significantly less cool and because I was always jealous that Micah had Thriller. Anyway, I don't have many memories from my childhood but one I won't ever forget is Micah, in his high pitched prepubescent voice singing "mama se, mama sa, mama coo sa" over and over and over again next to me in the backseat. I didn't even really know who Michael Jackson was, aside from the fact that for some reason, I knew he was really awesome. Anyway, I've probably thought about Michael Jackson every day since he's died (I'm sure partly because of all the media coverage), but still... He redefined talent. He raised the bar so significantly that I really, truly believe that no one will ever top his brilliance or his fame.

The second bit of bad news? My camera broke while I was in Baltimore. It still takes pictures, I think... but the display screen is all screwed up and only shows this grey blurry... blur. It sucks. So I'm debating whether or not to repair the old one... or get a new one. I'm leaning towards getting a new one... but the one I want is about 900 bucks. I could do the Best Buy 24 dollars a month thing if I get approved, which I probably would... and yeah, I really want to do it.

We'll see.

Oh, and on Tuesday I'm going to Colorado with my dad. So excited. White water rafting, horseback riding, and other outdoorsy activities... so awesome.

Alright, I'm starving. And then I have to go to the gym.


  1. $900?? you can get really great digital SLRs in the $500 range... and trust me, even those are ridiculously complicated. i've had mine for months and i still don't think i know how to use all the features... a $900 as your first SLR would be a little unnecessary, i think.

  2. well the thing is... i keep buying cameras that are "okay" and i end up getting really frustrated and wanting a better one. and seeing that although my camera takes great pictures, it's really limited in a lot of ways.

    getting an SLR in the 500 dollar range would most definitely be an improvement from the camera i have now but a couple things are pushing me toward getting a more expensive one... first of all, i want a canon and the canon SLRs in that range have less megapixels than my camera does now and secondly... although im sure i'd be thrilled at first with like, the camera you have... i know that eventually, i'll want an even better one. so i want to avoid spending more money when i have a good feeling that i'll want a really, really good camera in the future... and i'll just go straight to that one.

    haha, long winded answer... but i thought about it a lot before decided which camera i want. haha.

