Realizing that has made me seriously consider moving permanently to a area that's warm all of the time. I mean, I like the cold weather for two reasons - 1. The snow. I think snow is beautiful... but unfortunately, I don't live in a place where it snows all the time. 2. I like that it's cold and snowy for Christmas season... but after a week of the snow and the cold it just stops being enjoyable. So really, wherever I live I can always go somewhere cold for the holidays... I don't have to live in that weather for half of the year. So where would I want to live? I'd want to pick somewhere that doesn't get too hot and doesn't get too cold. Two words: San Francisco. Done and done.
In other news, I finished a terrific book today, Inside Greek U., by Alan D. DeSantis.
I read it as research for my paper that's going to be about masculinity (and gender) in elite sororities and fraternities in America. Reading it actually made me realize I wanted to change the approach to my paper a bit because I think the point I was going to prove has already been proven, by more than one person... so I feel like I need to include at least something I "discovered" on my own. We'll see.
Oh, and I would like to include this little video I stumbled upon today that seriously annoyed me... not just because of the ridiculous woman arguing against gay marriage because it will "affect and harm everyone", but also because I don't see how educated adults still think it's practical to speak on top of one another and expect any of their points to be heard and/or understood.
First of all, Joe Solmonese is a great guy and I know he has a somewhat "political" (in the sense that he must act and answer a certain way to avoid scrutiny from the (at times, very wealthy) supporters of his organization)... but his answers and debate points sucked.
If adoption agencies refuse to let gay couples adopt from their organization and churches refuse to marry a gay couples... then I'm sorry, but if you want to be supported by the government then your "institution", whatever it may be, must coincide with the legal advances of the time. Respect for religion is completely unrelated and in fact, whether it be religion or anything else for that matter... if it leads to discrimination or reinforces a tradition of that discrimination, then it should not be an entity supported by the national Government. What if a school just said hey, sorry, we don't accept black children because our religion says it's a sin to be black and we want to run this school on the basis of our religion... then I'm sorry, but that school would not be given financial or any other kind of assistance from the government, nor should it. (Unfortunately, the government still supports institutions that I consider to be discriminatory and outdated but supporting gay marriage is, I believe, an important step needed not only in the fight for equality but also may start to be the beginning of a more world-wide awareness about the severe negative aspects surrounding religion - specifically orthodox and/or fundamental sects.)
That lady is right - gay marriage will affect everyone. Just like emancipating the slaves affected everyone, or when women were given the right to vote; when couples of mixed race were given the right to marry... etc, etc. It WILL affect everyone and it damn well should.
everything you said about spring and cold weather i totally agree with. especially being in hartford, where the entire winter is GRAY every day and 5-10 degrees colder than i'm used to in nyack, i really began to hate the cold. griffin is CERTAIN that he wants to move to san francisco (he never stops talking about it) and i'm coming with him. so yeah, in 5 years, let's be neighbors in cali.
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